Sunday, October 13, 2013

I Made This For You...

I'm such a horrible blogger. I've abandoned my post for far too many days since I began, and I have no excuse, except to say that I'm incredibly exhausted from growing a placenta, a human and soul inside my body (from scratch).

Speaking of making things from scratch... I made these Butterscotch Blondies from Clementine's just for you! Of course, you can't smell them or taste them, but it's the thought that counts...right? They don't contain any actual butterscotch, but the brown sugary-buttery taste makes it seem like they do. I made mine with pecans, but you can make yours however you like! The base of this blondie is a mother dough - add chocolate chips, cranberries, caramel, peanut butter, jam, pretzels, popcorn, graham cracker crumbs, marshmallow, streudel, pumpkin - the sky's the limit! Go crazy!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

4th Trimester Bodies Project

The 4th Trimester Bodies Project is a photography series that uses mothers as subjects. If you or someone you know is a mommy, you too could be photographed for the series! Check it out!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Maternity Jean is Not My Lover...
I had my first full-on, pre-natal, emotional breakdown today in a dressing room at Old Navy. I've been searching high and low for weeks for a pair of jeans that gracefully fit my plus-size and pregnant body, and I've come up short every time. In the weeks prior, it wasn't that big of a deal, because I still had my one pair at home that fit. But seemingly overnight my size 18 Target Merona Bootcut - my old faithful - are too tight. Even though I haven't gained an ounce over the last seventeen and a half weeks, the baby has (thank goodness) and my abdomen is beginning to protrude (again, thank goodness). The trouble is, I seem to be in between an 18 and a 20, and the maternity section at Target and Old Navy only goes up to 18. I know what you're thinking: "News flash, Taylor, there are other places to shop in the world besides Target and Old Navy", to wish I politely reply: "Not in my tax bracket". As a rule, I have a hard time spending more than thirty bucks on any one piece of clothing. And the fact that my maternity wear will be useless in six months makes my thirty dollar rule even more valid.
Is it be too much to ask to find these in the plus-size section - ooh, and ankle length, please.
The real issue here is that I screwed up. I should have thought ahead a year ago when I was living on caramel lattes and coffee cake. I should have imagined the day that I'd be shopping for maternity clothes and realized that I would not want to do so as a size 20. As I huffed and puffed trying to squeeze my meaty thighs into dark washed, panel jeans - breaking a mean sweat all the while - I couldn't stop the inner bitch inside me from scolding me for being such a fuck up. That's the narrative she barks every time: "You fucked up." Harsh, I know. See why I call her a bitch?
Three hours and one tearful therapy session with my husband later I can calmly declare that I'm fine. What's done is done. I can't undo the years of overeating and under-exercising. All I can do is breath deep, do right and stock up on yoga pants.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

17 Weeks: Baby Steppin' to the Bump

These days I'm feeling my size. I'm anxiously awaiting the day that I look pregnant, and not bloated. Like I said before, I'm about 90% baked goods and 10% baby, so I realize my body will not look like the models over at Pea in a Pod. Still, I want a big ole baby belly and I want it now!

My "B-Belly" is slight, but it's there. Notice the little dip where my belly button is. 

From the side, stickin' it way out. I have to remind myself that I don't have to suck in my stomach anymore. After being self-conscious about my body for over twenty years I've found that I have a tendency to suck in my abs and collapse my chest in order to look flatter.

Getting there...